Coaches Code of Conduct
2024-2025 Season
NRYHA Coaches must adhere to the following points:
- I understand that my primary responsibility as a NRYHA coach is to provide a leadership role for promoting sportsmanship and skill development for players and parents. I will exemplify sportsmanship and athletic skill development in all my activities and avoid a “Win at all cost” behavior.
- I will play all players on my team in games who have attended practice regularly (see Playing Time description below).
- I will not engage in profanity on/off the ice when players are present.
- I will treat my players with the respect they are due, be generous in praise when deserved, and never humiliate them in front of others.
- I will commit sufficient time and effort to make my practices worthwhile and fun.
- I will make sure that I am using age-appropriate drills and activities based on the level I coach.
- I will maintain open communications with players and parents regarding skill development, discipline problems, and practice/game schedules.
- At all times, both on and off the ice, I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects positively on my team, NRYHA, and myself.
- I will abide by USA Hockey Coaches’ Code of Conduct.
- I will maintain the appropriate level of USA Hockey coaching certification and keep a current copy with the NRYHA Board of Directors.
- I will work with and support the NRYHA Player-Coaching Development committees initiatives, including attending developmental sessions from time to time and coordinating and executing developmental plans.
- I will show respect towards referees even when there is a disagreement on the call. I understand my players are watching my interactions with officials.
- I will arrive at least 30 minutes (to the maximum extent possible) before each session and establish a presence amongst the players in the locker room.
- I will make every effort to ensure appropriate language and behavior at all times.
- I as a coach am responsible for the condition in which their team leaves the locker room.
- I will only allow rostered players and certified coaches on the ice and/or bench.
- I will not engage in the abuse of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco when in the presence of my players.
- I agree to implement the drills and strategies detailed by the on-ice skills instructors (outside NRYHA instructors) at practice sessions in which they are not present.
- I agree to teach “each player to compete to win” instead of trying to “coach a win at the expense of a few players.”
- I agree to provide/designate a coach to work with goalies consistently throughout the season.
- I agree to abide by the NRYHA policies in effect as defined by the NRYHA Board of Directors.
Playing Time
The three goals of the youth travel hockey teams are: To develop the skills of individual players, teach teamwork, and proper position play. At times these goals may seem to conflict. We do not condone a coaching attitude of “win at all costs.” We do recognize that winning is important and sometimes requires discretionary deployment of players in critical situations where winning is in the balance. What the children want from their playing experience is a balance of team wins and individual accomplishments--a balance of “us” and “me.” The following guidelines will attempt to provide both wins and individual accomplishments.
At all times we demand that coaches be considerate of the players’ feelings and that tradeoffs be employed if a player has been shortchanged in a certain situation.
The following guidelines are to be used by coaches:
Each player should play in every game, and over the season all players should have approximately equal playing time in all situations. Goalies should be rotated, but in critical situations the coach may use their discretion, and over the course of the season, we expect the goalies to play approximately the same amount of time. In tournaments each goalie must play at least one game--barring illness or injury--including district, region and state play.
All players are expected to demonstrate the following behaviors:
A. Positive team attitude
B. Strong work ethic at practices and games
C. Coachability
Coaches may reduce playing time for players who do not demonstrate these three qualities and will communicate with the player in order to correct the problem. To be clear: effort/attendance/adherence to team rules are all grounds for more or less playing time. Players should have an opportunity to correct their behaviors. However, the goal should be to help the weakest player(s) have every opportunity to not be the weakest player(s) by the end of the season.
Players will not be penalized playing time for an excused absence (i.e. illness, church, funeral, family situation, etc.). Families must communicate with the head coach about these absences for them to be excused. If a players attendance becomes a large issue throughout the season, the Head Coach should contact their Board Level representative for further discussion
Line Play
All players will play on an equal line rotation basis. Equal line rotation means that lines are skated on a regular shift basis, not necessarily minute for minute. In critical situations coaches may selectively rotate lines or players. Power play units are allowed. However, over the course of the season, it is the responsibility of the head coach to assure that approximate equal playing time is given to all players, including special team play (PP and PK), end of game situations and the various other game situations hockey provides.
*Please note, that end of game situations consist of the last three minutes of play in the third period. The ultimate decision and follow through of playing time is a responsibility of the head coach.
A coach not adhering to these agreed upon guidelines could be subject to a meeting with the Director of Player Development, Board of Directors and possible disciplinary action. By signing below, I have read the NRYHA Coaches Code of Conduct document for the 2024-2025 season. If you agree to and accept, please check the box below, print/sign your name, and date.
Agreed to and Accepted:
Print Name:____________________________________________________