Member Feedback
NRYHA welcomes feedback throughout the season so we can address situations promptly. We ask that you utilize this form when questions, issues, incidents or topics you'd like to discuss arise, so we can investigate (if needed) immediately.
Submit Feedback Here:
We will require your name and contact information to be provided with your submission to allow us to follow up with you.
Unless there is a safety concern, we encourage that before utilizing this form, to please wait a 24-hour cooling down period and have an in-person conversation with either your NRYHA Board Level Rep. and/or Head Coach if necessary.
• Board Level Reps & NRYHA Bylaws:
• Head Coaches: Contact information will be on your team pages
*Please note, your feedback is confidential and only the Executive Committee will review your submission. However, full discussion of your submission may be had with the entire Board of Directors if warranted.