Volunteering Information

Work Hour Agreement Contract

At registration NRYHA requires parents complete a work hour agreement contract. This contract outlines the amount of volunteer work hours you are asked to contribute to NRYHA. The number of required hours is based on the level of play of the oldest child in the family who is registered to play hockey.

Britta Titel

NRYHA Clerk , Concessions & Tiger Den Manager, Volunteer Administrator


Work Hours Policy

What are the Work Hour Requirements per Season for each family?


  0 Hours: Mites: First Year 

10 Hours: Mites: Second Year and Up 

40 Hours: Squirts, Peewees, Bantams, Western WI Stars


Home Tournament/Jamboree:

All levels are REQUIRED to complete the specified “Number of Spots” per family that is indicated on the Home Tournament/Jamboree Work Hour Sign-up. 


Who is responsible for covering the different work hour shifts?

Off Ice Officials: Penalty Box, Score Clock, Book, Announcing

  • Each team is responsible for covering these shifts for their own games.
  • Each team will also be assigned High School (JV & Varsity) games to work throughout the season.


Concession Shifts:

Anyone working a Concession shift MUST sign in to receive credit for the completed shift.

  • Anyone from any team can claim any concession shifts. 
  • However, if a shift is not filled then the team is responsible for covering. 
  • The Team Manager may assign unfilled shifts to anyone on their team (regardless if work hours are needed or not) to ensure that the responsibility is fairly distributed. 


Home Tournaments:

  • Each family is REQUIRED to sign-up for the specified number of spots for their home tournament. 
  • It does not matter if a family needs work hours or not as Home Tournament work hours do not count towards the season work hour requirement. 
  • Each family is required to help to ensure that all shifts are covered and the tournament runs smoothly. 


Additional Work Hour Shifts Available to Anyone:

  • Special Events
  • Tiger Den
  • Cleaning

What happens if I don’t complete all my required work hours?

After the end of the fiscal year (March 31st) you will be invoiced $50 per hour not completed. This includes your required 40 hours for Squirts and up, 10 hours for Mites and you will be invoiced for your team's home tournament/jamboree hours if you do not complete them

When do outstanding balances need to be paid?

All outstanding balances must be paid prior to the start of the next season in order for a player to take the ice for any reason (clinics, try-outs, practices, games, etc.).

Please note these are the minimum amounts required per family and are required to be completed by March 31 following the end of the season. Keeping the association running requires many more hours than these minimums.  We encourage members to assist whenever possible!

Buy-Out Option

If you would prefer to not have your family called upon for any work hours (excluding home tournaments/jamborees) a buyout option is available. The buyout option requires payment to NRYHA in full at the time of registration at the rate of $50/hr for a total of 40 hours ($2000) for Squirts and up and a rate of $50/hr for a total of 10 hours ($500) for Mites. You will not be called upon for any work hours, except for the team's home tournament/jamboree which are mandatory. There is NO buyout option for your team's home tournament/jamboree hours. 

If you paid in advance for work hours, and end up with some work hours, you will be refunded at $50 per hour for your hours worked. 

What can I do to get my hours?

Listed below are some ideas and a contact name for work hours. There are always new things that need to be done. So, be sure to ask around as to what other parents are doing to get their hours. Ask team managers what they are aware of. And, if you have any special skills that you feel may be valuable to the association, contact a board member to discuss. 

  • Building Improvements – NRYHA Rink Manager
  • Concessions - NRYHA Rink Administrator
  • Tournament - Team Managers
  • Fun Fest - NRYHA Clerk and/or NRYHA Association President
  • Scheduling - NRYHA Scheduler and/or Scheduling Assistant
  • Registration - NRYHA Registrar
  • Committee member - NRYHA Board of Directors
  • Penalty Box, Clock, Announcing, Concessions and Front Gate at HS games – Team managers
  • Front Gate at open skate - NRYHA Scheduler and/or NRYHA Rink Manager
  • Tiger Den - NRYHA Concessions Manager
  • Zamboni Driver - NRYHA Rink Manager
  • Locker Room Attendant - Per board approval, handbook policy and USA Hockey guidelines.

Leadership Positions 

  • Board Member – 40 hours 
  • Coaches - 160 hours per coaching staff (max of 4 coaches per coaching staff)
  • Team Manager – 40 hours 
  • Registrar – 40 hours 
  • Equipment Manager – 40 hours
  • Committee Members - hours to be tracked by attendance
  • Director of Hockey - 40 hours

How do my work hours get tracked?

NRYHA uses Crossbar's volunteer tracking program (fka. DIBS) for proper tracking of all volunteer hours. Volunteers sign up for a position under the volunteer tab to receive their volunteer hours. This is the responsibility of the member to sign-up for their volunteer shifts to receive credit for hours volunteered. 

If the volunteering is through a project or tournament where there is a Committee Lead, it is the responsibility of the member to sign up for a position through Crossbar and check in with the Committee Leads to get full credit for volunteering for a special event or tournament. 

If you have any questions on this process or are new to the Crossbar system, please contact the Volunteer Committee. 

Each time you work you are responsible to sign up using Crossbar. Crossbar will automatically track your work hours for you. If there is a role outside of Crossbar that you work, you are required to fill out the required work hour tracking form, have it signed by the approver, and place in the work hour box located by the concession stand. The work hour tracker will gather these forms to keep a record of all hours worked. Please note: Working your Home Tournament is separate from your required work hours. 

The status of volunteer hours performed will be posted on Crossbar. It is each family’s responsibility to track the status of their volunteer fulfillment to ensure that they have been credited the correct number of volunteer hours. Volunteer hour credits associated with coaching and team management will be posted at the end of the season. 

Can I work more than my required hours? 

Absolutely! Keeping the association running requires many more hours than the agreed upon work hours cover. 

If I work more than my required hours can I give those hours to another family?

No, this is not allowed.

Do work hours for my home tournament count? 

Home Tournaments - Minimum required hours/slots worked during your home tournament (as determined by the tournament director and communicated through your team manager, typically 5 – 8 hours) do NOT count towards your season required volunteer hours. Additional hours worked

above the required hours/slots DO count towards your season required volunteer hours. This will be tracked by the Tournament Director and submitted to the Team Manager. 

Who can be the approver that can sign my work hour tracking form? 

The approver varies based on what your work hours were. As a general rule most work hour activities have someone that is “managing” the activity. This is the person that would approve and sign your tracking form. The list above highlights the more common work hour activities and their corresponding ‘approver’s’. Corresponding approvers depend on what duty has been completed.


NRYHA uses Crossbar to track all work hour shifts. In order to receive credit for hours worked, shifts must be claimed in Volunteering tab by the person who will be covering the shift.


Each team manager will be in charge of making sure their team's practice and home game concession shifts are covered and claimed in Volunteering.

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