Heggie's Pizza
- Order Forms and Flyers are attached to this email
- Pizza Sale Runs from Dec 15th - Jan 11th
- All Order forms Due by Sunday Jan 12th. Can be Dropped off in rink lobby's pizza box by concession stand.
- Note: all pizza order forms must be handed in with ONE check made out to NRYHA
- Pizza Pick Up: All Pizzas must be picked up Wed Jan 29th 6-9pm. Sellers may want to bring boxes or coolers to carry your pizzas home in.
- If there are missing pizzas from your order you must contact Mitch Ortner the night of pick up, Jan 29th.
- Prizes for the Top 3 sellers Gift Card to Concession Stand (#1 $75) (#2 $50) (#3 $25)
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amber Ortner ortneramber@gmail.com